Letter from the team

Illustration by Alejandra Vega

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It is with great pride that we bring you the inaugural issue of Panocha Zine. This is the labor of love, not only by our team but by our amazing collaborators, so we thank you for the bottom of our hearts.

The past year, 2020, was not an easy one, a lot of us lost loved ones, some of us lost our jobs, all of us lost our sense of direction. Although this brought us fear, it also brought us a new perspective. It helped us redefined a lot of things in our lives, among those things, it helped us redefine love.

Social distancing and quarantining forced us to put distance between us and those we love. Suddenly, physical touch wasn’t available to us, a simple hug was out of the question. So, what is LOVE, really? If is not presence, if is not touch, what is it?

This is the question that brings us here. In these pages we explore the meaning of love, from the voices and lenses of those who, like us, are trying to redefine love to fit our realities and not adhere to a pre-fabricated notion that doesn’t always include us.

We hope these pages bring you joy, pero sobre todo (como diría Walter Mercado) mucho, mucho amor.

Alejandra Vega - Loving_Support.png

