Herbal Medicine: Tips for Your Journey

Words by Adanna Summers
Photography by Angie Rocha

Navigating herbal medicine with limited guidance and much conflicting research can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are a few things to keep in mind and some tips to get you started on your journey.If you thought herbal medicine was gonna work its magic without you having to do a thing but take it... I have some news for you; Herbal medicine only works effectively when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle/ holistic habits. Herbal medicine is slow and intentional, and it requires the same from you in return. Eating nutrient-dense meals, incorporating daily movement, and getting at least seven hours of sleep each night are great places to start! Pick one habit to adopt and gradually build upon them.

When diving into your healing journey, start small. Here’s some thingsI wish I would’ve done differently:


To be honest, the concept of body constitution is still something I’m grasping after two years. In traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, constitutions are essentially your body’s physical make up and characteristics. These characteristics can help determine what ailments you’re most susceptible to and what lifestyle changes and herbal treatments best support your vitality. If you’re someone who tends to have cold extremities and bruises easily, these characteristics indicate that warming and circulatory herbs can help bring balance to your body.


Herbs can be powerful on their own but work even better in conjunction with other herbs. In pairing them you can help heal or maintain your body’s balance by utilizing specific energetics from different herbs. They can also alleviate multiple symptoms simultaneously with their unique properties. Pick two herbs that are in alignment with your body’s constitution and one that specifically works to mitigate the ailment you’re experiencing.


When I first started I would reformulate my herbal mix after two days if I felt like the treatment wasn’t effective, which was delusional. Herbal medicine isn’t like over-the-counter medicine. It heals and maintains your body’s system(s), and should be used daily (sometimes multiple times throughout the day) for several weeks. Now, I give myself at least three weeks to test a formula before giving it a tweak; while waiting, it’s good to pay attention to any slow shifts your body might make. Are you having more restful sleep, feeling less sluggish, or do you find yourself expelling more mucus or other wastes from your body? Note all of it.

Lastly, remember to give yourself grace.

I hope this helps you on your journey—happy healing!


O Fruto


Driving to Blanco State Park