The Slanted and The Bed (Brown Love Fable)


Words by Ayling Zulema Dominguez | Art by Gabi Magaly

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How funny, no?

That we fell in love on a slanted bed

and took Polaroids of each other at different angles just to prove we could love past the barriers within us and each morning I would discover

I’d rolled closer to you

nearly knocked you over and onto the floor, you’d say and I’d assign blame

to that which held us easy to blame

when you’re not holding

surprised myself at the giving and not receiving of a scolding

a heavy need for unlearning so I let us roll into that portal held our breath

as we took a giant baby step into this crooked new cradle

uprooted so much inherited shame we became a fable

of a brown love so stable

as it soared on those cheap sheets from the dollar store

2 for 24

I always did love a good bargain and while we’re at it,

grab a pack of those sheet fasteners that stretch and grasp across corners my first lesson in holding on

tangled up with you at a type of angle gravity would think stupid but fuck it,

cuz’ what’s it even mean to be straight anyway?

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