Thirst Trap #1

Words by Clara O | Art by Sandrine Segula

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For you to explore 

Trace with your peering eyes 

Curious for whats beneath the glow

The mysteries hidden in the folds of my skin 

Your silence broken by my consenting smile

Loud enough to bring you to your knees 

Surrendering, seducing, softly 

Take this light and make it yours 

Make it shine

Lips glistening 

Thirst quenched 

Breath taken away

Spellbound by

the warmth of my body 

Ready for more 

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I am a child of the fucking sun 

Revived by it’s light 

Warmed by its delicious radiance

My skin absorbing 

It’s life-giving rays

A beacon of hope 

Glowing majestically 

Upon the landscape of 

This expansive body 

its rolling hills 

and tender mounds 

For you to revel 

in the glory of 

my fatness 

a delicious invitation 


Marriage Material

