Life line

Words by Joy Balinbin | Photos by Lucía Plaza

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My name does not reflect my heritage 
My mouth could never grasp the right accent 
My lips could never quite tumble forth the perfect rolled “r”
My feet did not learn how to dance folklorico or Apache crown dance, nor can
My hips pull off the perfect washing machine like Selena


My tongue knows the smokiness of New Mexico red chile 
The perfect amount of honey to drip onto a sopaipilla 
The slow heat of posole and green chile stew 
The sweetness and crumble of fresh biscochitos

My hands know how to fill tamales
The precise softness and smoothness of masa
When to flip tortillas with my bare fingers 
When to keep sprinkling cumino or oregano into a simmering pot

The steam caressing my face 
Conjures the comforting embrace of my ancestors

For this lifeline, 
I am forever grateful


Patro Vazio (Empty Plate)


Mofongo with carne frita