Words by Reb Mari | Art by Lisa Uribe

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Cheyenne, you started to make your descent into this world at 5 am Sunday, Feb 17, on your due date and 15 minutes after I arrived home from a night out in Tijuana. 

I spent the night drinking, eating, dancing, and walking the streets of  Mexico celebrating life. 

Your Nana tried to make cinnamon rolls but put the wrong setting on the bread machine so they didn't come out. 

We went to balboa park to walk around to give your big sister Shea time and space to play. She had a great time swinging, climbing stairs, and going down slides. 

Your mom walked around and so graciously had contractions in the middle of the park surrounded by other parents and children. 

Then she was ready to go and wanted soft serve, apple pie, and sushi! 

Shea even started to prepare to have contractions as she was very concerned about her momma. 

I just keep telling Shea that you were coming out soon and that is why her mom was making those noises to help you on your journey. 

We all laughed a lot on the car ride home. Just like your father does he used his humor to lighten the air and help your mom get her mind off the contractions. 

We all napped when we got home. 

Then Jhonnna and I went shopping to get coconuts and ingredients to make lasagna. I danced around with Shea a lot too when we got back from the store. 

We had a good time just being silly and rolling around on the floor and hopping through my apartment. I tried a new vegan gluten-free recipe that I found on Pinterest to follow to make the lasagna and it came out really good. 

Mom is resting and trying to get some sleep to have the energy to bring you along tomorrow. Both you and your mom worked so hard today. 

Y'all make a great team! Keep up the good work.

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